Pakab Consulting Engineers

Design, Supervision and Management of Water and Sewage, Survey and Environmental Projects

Pakab Consulting Engineers

Design, Supervision and Management of Water and Sewage,
Survey and Environmental Projects

ID Project : 103263

YAZD Water Supply

Review of water transmission project from R5 tank to Shahneh tanks

Study First Phase

Study Second Phase

Progress Percent

Percentage of total project progress compared to percentages presented in different phases

Project Progress Percent 70%

Project images :

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Project Description :

The first stage studies include: collecting information, reviewing and evaluating them, conducting local visits, summarizing the performed information and identifying shortcomings and deficiencies, initial financial estimate and technical and economic comparison of options. The studies of the second stage include: performing calculations, preparing technical specifications, preparing a list of authorized manufacturers, meters and estimating the executive plan

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Other Projects

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Financing the Sewage Facilities of Six Cities (Izeh City)


Financing the Sewage Facilities of Six Cities (Bostan City)


SARMAST Wastewater Supervision


Islamic Azad University of SAFADASHT


Environmental Feasibility Report


YAZD Water Supply


Financing the Sewage Facilities of Six Cities (Dasht Azadegan)


Drinking Water Supply of BOJNORD


Financing the Sewage Facilities of Six Cities (Shoush City)


University of BOJNOURD


Wastewater Treatment Plants of 5 first cities of KHOUZESTAN Provine (Mahshahr Seaport)


SHIRVAN Wastewater Treatment Plant